Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fall Workshop Means smART stART is Going Live!

Young Audiences, Woodruff Arts Center is proud to announce that our fall planning smART stART workshops will be taking October 20th and November 15th, 2010! We are excited to promote early literacy skills – specifically the students ability to retell a story – through the arts. During the smART stART workshops Teaching Artists and participating classroom teachers will collaborate to explore arts based strategies to help kindergarten students grasp foundational literacy skills. This collaboration is integral to ensuring student achievement and makes for a great way to spend the day! Be sure to check back for pictures and coverage of the workshops. We are on the saddle again and enthusiastic to start this 2010-2011 school year off with a bang!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see and hear all about smART stART this year! It's going to be better than ever - keep up the great work!
